Kozubovskaya Galina Petrovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Altai State Pedagogical University,specialist in the Russian literature of 19th – early 20th century. Research interests Poetics of Russian literature, mythopoetics, study of motives, narratology G.P. Kozubovskaya has over 200 publications, including 5 monographs, several course books (including a textbook published by Flinta/Nauka – a leading academic publishing house in Russia). Monographs and textbooks 1. Kozubovskaya G.P. Afanasiy Fet’s Poetry and Mythology: a course book. 4th ed. 4. – Moscow : Flinta/Nauka Publishers, 2015. – 320 p. 2. Kozubovskaya G.P. The Turn of 19th-20th Centuries: Myth and Mythopoetics. Monograph. – Barnaul : Altai State Pedagogical University, 2011. – 318 p. 3. Kozubovskaya G.P. The Middle of the 19th century: Myth and Mythopoetics. Monograph. – Barnaul : Barnaul State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2008. – 260 p. 4. Kozubovskaya G.P. Russian Poetry: Myth and Mythopoetics. Monograph. – Barnaul : Barnaul State Pedagogical University, 2006. – 320 p., etc.
S.A. An Altai State Pedagogical University
L.A. Bytakova Omsk State University
K.I. Brinev Altai State Pedagogical University
JERZY FARYNO Institute of Slavic Studies of Polish Academy of Science (Warsaw)
M.B. Stroganov Moscow State University of Design and Technology (Institute of Slavonic Culture)
O.M. Goncharova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg (Saint-Petersburg)
S.A. Golubkov Samara State University
R.S-I. Semykina Altai University of Medicine
V.I. Gabdullina Altai State Pedagogical University
E.А. Khudenko Altai State Pedagogical University
N. D. Golev Kemerovo State University, Russian Federation
M.P. Grebneva Altai State University
T.V. Dybrovskaja Penza State University
I.J. Kolesov Altai State Pedagogical University
N.B. Lebedeva Kemerovo State University
O.V. Miroshnikova Omsk State Pedagogical University
J.B. Orlitskij Russian State University for The Humanities
N.A. Rogacheva Tumen State University
N.N. Skatov Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
E.A. Jakovleva Bashkir State Pedagogical University